Alejandro Navarro

‘400 hectares of Q-Eline for the Chilean market’

Alejandro Navarro, Viverosur (tree and fruit growers), Curicó/Fonos (Chile)

“Q-Eline owes its added value for the nurseryman largely to its productivity and its upright, unbranched growth habit. The rootstock enables growers to increase their plant densities. It’s also less susceptible to stress, making it suitable for both hot and cold weather conditions. Chile has a hot climate in summer, which affects some dwarf rootstocks. We believe Q-Eline has a great opportunity for our conditions.
Our intention is to produce Q-Eline rootstocks in an acreage of 400 hectares for the Chilean market. We will soon be receiving the required propagating material from the Netherlands. It will go into quarantine for two years; we want to be on the safe side. And although we expect few differences with respect to the rest of the world, we won’t be commercially marketing the Q-Eline rootstock until we have tested it extensively under Chilean weather conditions.”